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Heartrail® II - Guiding Catheter

Heartrail® II Guiding Catheter is designed for the introduction of interventional devices and/or guide wires and for the delivery of contrast media into the coronary or peripheral vascular systems.

Finecross® MG - Coronary Micro-Guide Catheter

Finecross® MG is a unique and innovative micro catheter specifically designed for coronary intervention. This product provides support and precise handling of the guide wire to navigate through the artery.

Finecross® MG is also intended for injection of contrast media for the purpose of angiography.


Runthrough™ NS - PTCA Guide Wire

Runthrough™ NS is a PTCA guide wire intended to be used in PCI as guide for devices such as stents or PTCA balloon catheters.

Runthrough™ NS is an innovative guide wire designed with Duo Core- technology, hydrophilic coating and elastic Nickel -Titanium alloy (NiTi) as distal core. Runthrough™ PTCA product family consists of a full range of guide wires indicated to treat workhorse or challenging lesions.



Crosswire® NT - PTCA Guide Wire

Crosswire® NT is a guide wire used in PCI to guide devises such as stents or PTCA balloon catheters.

Crosswire® is designed for CTO- lesions featuring moderate support, polyurethane distal part with Terumo’s hydrophilic coating and Nickel -Titanium alloy (Nitinol) single core.




Ryujin® Plus - RX PTCA Balloon Catheter

Ryujin® Plus rapid exchange balloon catheter is intended to be used for percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) for the purpose of improving myocardial blood flow in the localized stenotic lesion of the coronary arteries.

An improved crossability while maintaining the trackability is designed for workhorse lesions.



Ryujin® Plus OTW - PTCA Balloon Catheter

Ryujin® Plus OTW is intended to be used for percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) for the purpose of improving myocardial blood flow in the localized stenotic lesion of the coronary arteries.

Ryujin® Plus OTW is a PTCA balloon dilatation catheter with a coaxial system utilizing innovative Ryujin® technologies.

Long shaft model (usable catheter length: 148 cm) enables to reach very distal lesions.



Hiryu® - RX PTCA Balloon Catheter

Hiryu® rapid exchange balloon catheter is intended to be used for percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) for the purpose of improving myocardial blood flow in the localized stenotic lesion of the coronary arteries.

Hiryu® is a non compliant PTCA balloon catheter featuring high pressure resistance while maintaining crossability.



Tazuna® - PTCA Balloon Dilatation Catheter

Tazuna® rapid exchange PTCA balloon catheter is intended to be used for percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) for the purpose of improving myocardial blood flow in the localized stenotic lesion of the coronary arteries.

Tazuna® is a high performance balloon utilizing a combination of Terumo’s technologies to improve crossability and pushability to treat the most complex lesions.


Eliminate™ - Aspiration Catheter

Eliminate™ is an aspiration catheter intended for removing fresh, soft emboli and thrombi from vessels in the coronary and peripheral vasculature.

This product has been designed to offer an optimal balance between crossing performance, kink resistance and thrombo-aspiration capability.